Daily Archives: December 8, 2010

What a Find!

What a find!

Jaw dropping, for those few of us who appreciate the significance of this unplanned acquisition!  This rare find came upon me purely by chance, when I “dropped into” a thrift store yesterday to “drop off” some donations.  While waiting to be helped, as I glanced at the rack of clothing next to me, I could have dropped right there myself!

These shorts need no words and no explanation.  If you know where they come from and how long it’s been since they’ve been readily available, then you’re with me.  If you don’t, then they’ll mean nothing to you.  Simple as that.

Suffice to say, it seems the thrift store had no clue what they had.  As I paid the paltry price, I told the clerk these were quite rare and came from a very special place.  She was unfazed and simply took my few dollars.  Not that I’m any aficionado of thrift store shopping, but there are certainly some surprises to be discovered, when least expected I’m sure!

My surprise find will no doubt travel with me to their original home, whenever this may be…

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Posted by on December 8, 2010 in Daily Activities